Let's Talk About IT

Nowadays people rarely talk face to face to each other because of cell phones, texting, email, etc.  We all would rather hide behind our screens, which is a topic I can go on and on about. (A topic for another day).

For past generations, no one talked about illness or issues they faced.  Everyone either covered it up and didn’t share with their loved ones. Or even if they did share, it was never spoken about again.

Why was this the norm?  Why was there a stigma around talking about issues you have or illnesses you are diagnosed with.  Why was asking for help or talking about the serious stuff so hard?

One of the very important steps of prevention is knowing your family history.  Since no one talked or shared what family members were going through, many times family history can be tough to understand and it can even get lost.  

Let’s all start talking about what we have going on in our lives.  I know that it’s tough bringing up serious topics. Many are in fear that they will be judged or that things could get worse or that they are living negatively by venting.  At the end of the day we have one life to live and we shouldn’t be scared to ask for help, talk about what’s bothering us or learning about our family history so that we can live longer better lives.  My family is my number one priority right behind my self care. I didn’t always feel this way, but I believe that YOUR HEALTH should be your number one. If you are not feeling good then it makes it more difficult to take care of anyone else.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet.  I just ask you to take care of yourself, ask for help, provide help to others, support each other in the best way you know how and talk about IT.  IT can be anxiety, depression, cancer, aching, illnesses, needs, wants, but IT can also be success, achievements, goals, and passions.  Many times the positives aren’t talked about enough either.  If you don’t know how to TALK ABOUT IT - then ask someone close to you, ask your doctors, or just trust yourself that you can do IT!
