Liv, Let and GIV
After being diagnosed with breast cancer, I received gifts that brought me comfort and smiles. Boxes were sent from friends and family filled with items that let me know I was being thought of as well as supported. Products that specifically helped to provide me with comfort through my chemotherapy were a blanket, pillows, water bottles, socks, a hat, books, lemon candies, suckers, candles and lotion. I also received beautiful flowers throughout my treatment and surgeries that helped to brighten my day. I have always felt that it is better to give than to receive, but during this time receiving thoughtful gifts really helped me get through each day.
After time, I would receive news that my friends and friends of family members were being diagnosed with cancer and I was asked what they could send to bring comfort. I had been sent a chemo box from “Lemons of Love” that was absolutely amazing so I would mostly send people to their site. I am still in full support of them, especially their newly opened support center in the suburbs of Chicago. While their mission is beautiful, I realized that cancer survivors deserve to receive support throughout their treatment, their surgeries, good and bad days, and survivorship too (mostly in survivorship!)
On New Year’s Day of 2017, my husband and I took a hike through a nearby forest preserve. After our walk, we took a seat where two benches met under a tree. Under the tree we talked about life and the future. I began to talk to him about wanting to do something for those diagnosed with cancer. After leaving my full time jobs, I kept telling myself that I wanted to start something on my own. Ideas kept coming to me and my husband and I brainstormed and threw out many ideas all relating to giving gifts. I have always loved giving gifts for birthdays, new homes, holidays and more. Finding new products, companies and places brings me joy and excitement and I love sharing them with others. Growing up I wasn’t so keen on sharing the items I found with others. When I find out that someone “copied” me I would feel like they stole my idea. All that I wanted was to be unique and create my own identity. My mom would always remind me that it was a compliment if a friend asked where I got something and went to purchased the same thing. I struggled with this for a long time, but I am now very flattered. I now love sharing where I find my new and unique products. My husband and I sat close on the park bench for some time talking about giving gifts to cancer survivors not just during their treatment, but at different stages of diagnosis. Survivorship has been the hardest part for me and feeling supported I believe can only help those struggling. What about gifts for after surgery, after reconstruction, after radiation and celebrating milestones? What about the caregivers - saying thank you to them or just letting them know they are being thought of?
This conversation got put on hold, but was always in the back of my head. As time went on and more friends were diagnosed with breast cancer, I decided it was time to share my story. I am an open book, but I never thought I’d want to share my story via a blog. I have not been someone big into talking about myself to those I don’t know, especially on social media. I started to look into writing a book (which I may still do one day), but it just didn’t seem to be the right time. I then started thinking about products. What could I create to make cancer survivors comfortable during their treatment and surgery. I wish I had thought of the bras and robes, socks and jewelry, but my brainstorming didn’t take me there. My creative juices started to flow one day and I started sketching. I started to write out names of what I could call a future company. I had so many lists of names from Life Is A Highway, Today I Will, Living Today to Livin’ Lauren, and Leading Lady, but the one that stuck out to me was the name that came from my new initials LEL after marrying into the Lopriore family. Liv & Let. For some reason I took out the “E” and then realized the ampersand could be the “E” for my middle name. I put my sketch book aside but added ideas here and there throughout the year.
In 2018 my daughter arrived and my focus was on her. At the time I was working at a children’s retail company and decided I wanted to stay at home with Matilda. I enjoyed every minute of watching her grow - from lifting her head to smiling, but something kept bringing me back to wanting to do something on my own to support cancer survivors. It was time...I wanted to get my story out there. My husband and I sat and talked about purchasing a domain and subscription to a web design company. It all happened very quickly, the domain was finally purchased after deciding that I would not move forward with the proper “Live & Let” with an “e”, but my original design “Liv & Let.” I then signed on with Squarespace to get my website designed. It was difficult for me to think that I was starting a blog, and kept saying that it was just my website. That was until I bought Blogging for Dummies! The purchases took place in January 2019 and I thought I’d get it ready by February which was the month I was diagnosed, but it took a lot more time than I thought. I’m sure someone in the entrepreneurial world could have told me, but I chose to think it would all happen at the snap of my fingers!
Now months were flying by and I was still busy designing. It was May and I was just about ready. June was the perfect month to put my story out for all to see. On June 29, 2015, I received my last “bad” chemo. On June 4, 2016 I formed, with my friends and family, Lauren’s Posse for the Northwestern Cancer Survivor Celebration Walk to celebrate National Cancer Survivors day and being in remission. Also in June of 2016 I challenged myself in Hood River white water kayaking and met my First Descents tribe. Then on June 7, 2018 my daughter Matilda was born after years of IVF, expenses, emotions, legal and more. She is my world and a big part of me sharing my story. June 1, 2019, was the day that I put myself out there sharing my breast cancer experience and providing support for those thriving through breast cancer.
The site has been available for all to see for almost a year now which is so amazing. I have connected with amazing companies and organizations, met many beautiful warriors, discovered new products, events and resources to share and support those affected by cancer, built my social media platforms and increased followers, as well as had the opportunity to share my story live on a well known television show in Chicago - “Windy City Live”. I am now excited to share the original dream that I dreamt up while sharing a beautiful moment with my husband is going to happen. It is time to share the products I loved during treatment and have found over the past few years as curated lux caring crates to bring support and care to those affected by cancer.
Giv by Liv & Let assembles personalized curated caring crates created with love and thought for loved ones who are thriving through cancer (whether that’s as a Previvor, Fighter, Thriver as well as Caregiver). Each “build your own” lux crate will be beautifully packaged with hand selected items to provide each individual and recipient with love, care and support. Giv a thoughtful and unique gift for that special person in your life.
The products that have been chosen to include in each crate come from companies that directly support those diagnosed with cancer, have been started by cancer survivors, are owned by women, use natural materials, manufacture in the USA, or give back in some way.
Check out Giv today to create a caring crate for that special someone you know who could use some extra love and support. If it’s you that needs the love and support reach out too - self care is very important!
Types of Giv crates:
Thinking of You
Feel Good Today
Thank you (i.e. caregiver, nurse)
I’ve just been diagnosed, now what?
I’m having surgery, please support me!
I’m having radiation and I’m dry !
I finished treatment, now what?
Additionally, each quarter Liv & Let will choose an organization that is doing amazing work to support the cancer community and will give back to them through donating a caring crate or making a donation. If you have any organizations that you would like to share as potential recipients of Liv & Let Giv-back support, please pass them along and we will review.