Tell Your Story Giv-Away
It’s a giv-away for AYA Breast Cancer Survivors!
Two weeks ago I was challenged to write my 1-minute story on just one aspect of my cancer experience or a very high-level overview of my story. The directions were either way, including one challenge I am currently facing or that I faced.
Many of us have been raised to think of vulnerability as weakness, when actually vulnerability takes a lot of courage. Brene Brown – a researcher and author says, “What if courage is the willingness to tell the story of who you really are with your whole heart?” Courage is, in fact, defined as the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid.
Today is Tell A Story Day! Being vulnerable can be scary and make us feel all sorts of knots in our stomach and palm sweating feelings. It can also help us create a strong shell that gives us the chance to allow others to see and appreciate us for who we truly are, imperfections and all. Many cancer survivors have chosen to be vulnerable and share their story through podcasts, blogs, workshops and books!
Liv & Let has partnered with beautiful and courageous women to #giv-away their stories written in book form and an opportunity to participate in a Wildfire Writing *Workshop!
Books include:
Better Together by Jessica Walker
Find Your Way Back by Javacia Harris Bowser
My Lipstick Journey Through Cancer by Anna M Water Mayes
Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaquad
Say Something Big by Leigh Hurst
Cancer Culture Wildfire Issue
What The F*ck Just Happened - A Survivors Guide To Life After Breast Cancer by Jen Rozenbaum
Everyone Needs a Larry by Jennifer Greenhut Tollin and Larry Tollin
This book will be sent separately after it’s May 24th release.
*6 Weeks Series (for people who identify as women diagnosed with breast cancer under 50)
Thank you for entering! When you have finished the books please share with your caregivers and others in your community to spread knowledge! Click below to read Lauren’s One Minute Story!