
October 21, 2019

Inspired by a page in my calendar and a card I keep coming across in my stacks of magazines and inspirational tear sheets (yes I have a hard time throwing things out). Today, I will be interviewed by Windy City Live about my breast cancer diagnosis. This is an amazing opportunity, but I can’t say I’m not nervous about speaking about it in front of millions of people. I am able to talk about it with my friends and family and behind Liv & Let, but to put it all out there is a little scary. However, I am also very honored that I was chosen to share my story. I believe that knowledge and education is so important and the more people know the more we can learn and do something about it.

So to all of you that have a busy day, a long week ahead of you, a new treatment plan, an IVF appointment, a buzz cut in the calendar, radiation, surgery, or it’s chemo day - YOU’VE GOT THIS! You are strong, you are a fighter and you are not alone!

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