
June 28, 2020

This past week was filled with a bunch of highs and lows. I felt like the storm was going to keep spinning. And then an actual storm came rolling in to Chicago bringing high winds, lighting and rain! The storm left as quickly as it came and left behind one of the most beautiful sites. A double rainbow! “The rainbow symbolism serves as an obvious symbol of peace and serenity. These feelings are often evoked when looking at a rainbow.”  I definitely felt this after it appearing outside my window. It’s hard to pick yourself up as a storm is brewing and barreling through, but if you can keep your head up it’s amazing what a little sunshine can bring!

This week and weekend was also filled with beautiful life - a ladybug landing on my daughters head and caterpillars all around. The rainbow, ladybug and caterpillar all brought me peace and happiness after my volcano erupted.

What brings you peace? What brings you happiness? Where do you go to be at peace?

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