
December 8, 2019

I am taken back to the beginning of the year when I finally decided to share my story and be a resources for others who are affected by breast cancer- the survivor, thriver, previvor and caregiver. It had been two years in the making and I just couldn’t get myself to pick a name, purchase the domain, start the design of the site and push it live before. This year I was finally ready - I purchased my domain name, signed up for Squarespace and began designing. It wasn’t until June that I pushed it live, but I finally realized that it didn’t have to be perfect and that it was going to take time to get it where I wanted. If I had waited any longer I would not have gotten my story out and had some of the opportunities I was given this year. I am happy to have built the relationships I have and look forward to continuing to share more and meeting new warriors! I have something in the works for next year and look forward to sharing it with you all. It’s going to be a work in progress, but if I don’t do it until it’s ready I may never do it!

It’s not too late to do something you were hoping to do this year. Even if it’s planning when you are going to do it next year. Making decisions is hard and we may never be 100% and fully ready, but it’s worth trying and taking baby steps. Without trying and failing you will never know what could have been. (I’m learning this a lot these days) I look forward to seeing what you all do before the end of the year and what you have in store for the upcoming year!