Free Pop-Up Writing Workshop: Metastatic Breast Cancer Advocacy
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
12:30 PM 2:00 PM
Living with metastatic breast cancer? This one's for you!
This month's theme is MBC advocacy. How do you advocate for yourself and the MBC community? Advocacy takes many shapes and forms.
This could be the start of writing your unique MBC story for submission to our upcoming annual MBC issue (submissions close in August). We're thrilled to have MJ DeCoteau and the Rethink Breast Cancer team as our guest editors. Our theme for the issue is advocacy.
Join me at our *free* July Pop-Up Writing Workshop and learn how to use expressive writing to process your experience and tell your advocacy story.
When: Tuesday, July 16, at 12:30pm PST / 3:30pm EST