Self-care for Parents and Guardians Workshop
Tuesday October 18 @ 10amPT/12pm CT/1pm ET
This workshop will provide attendees with a foundational understanding of self-care, an understanding of the Six Ways to Take Care of Yourself, and how caregivers can prioritize their own self-care while taking care of their children while navigating through life stressors, change, and transitions. It's important to take care of others, but are you taking care of yourself? This workshop is interactive and all attendee's can choose to engage in discussions, complete journal entries, and participate in the Heart Work throughout, so bring a journal/something to write with or an electronic device to take notes.
Ta'lor L. Pinkston created The Heart Advocate after receiving her certification in the Foundations of Self-love through the Path of Self-love. The Heart Advocate is dedicated to helping all individuals choose self-love as a coping skill for mental health and healing. The Heart Advocate provides individual virtual self-love sessions, the Foundation of Self-love program, facilitates workshops and presentations on the importance of self-love in mental health, healthy relationships, and why Self-care Matters. Ta'lor manages a virtual support group, Healing Over Everything (H.O.E.), a safe-space and community that supports its members to build a strong self-worth. You can find The Heart Advocate on social media where she is sharing what self-love looks like.
** This interactive workshop is just for parents and guardians with cancer or in survivorship. **