
August 3, 2020

Patience and Time are so important when living in the moment and letting things be. I, Lauren Lopriore, am not the most patient person and struggle with time. Why can’t things just happen the way you want them? Why can’t time slow down? Why do the good days go by so quickly? When will there be a cure? Why do I have to wait so long?

I’ve learned over the past 5 years how being patient and allowing time to fly by or take it’s time really does allow for you to truly Liv & Let. I am a planner and like to have things planned out, but as soon as I let life happen and the universe take it’s course it’s amazing how things can fall into place. It’s not always when I want them to or how I want them to, but somehow they do.

Time is precious - we never know what tomorrow will bring so enjoy each day and every moment. I think for so long I forgot to do this. I still do, but I’m working on it more and more. Loosen the reigns on your expectations - another thing that’s difficult for me. However, the less I try to control the more I am able to enjoy what’s happening now.

Relax and take deep breaths this week.

You are a Warrior every breath, every step and every decision and every move you make.

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